We are about to switch to a new forum software. Until then we have removed the registration on this forum.
the download link for 3.3.5 is broken since more then 3 days.
the "curl" will install the 3.3.4, but some days ago it installed the right version.
Someone else notices this or is it my fault ???
Yes I'm getting that too. But working link here: https://forum.processing.org/two/discussion/18805/3-3-5-on-arm-raspberry-pi-what-s-new#latest
Was also having problems running processing 3.3.4 on the new Raspbian 'Stretch' - I was getting an error, with GPIO pin saying duplicate libraries with hardware.io, but seem to have got past it somehow. Maybe it's an old version & library is for 3.3.5?
(Trying to sync the new sonic pi v3 with processing, via OSC. SPi to GPIO latency is awful, 704 ms).
@clauson Thanks for noticing - I am fixing this now. @fuzzySi Could you try to reproduce with 3.3.5, or better the Processing image (that is now built on Stretch)?