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Hi guys, i need a little help in a sketch i'm creating (sorry for my english, i'm brazilian). Ok, my sketch has to activate the camera and show the coordinates, however is very, very slow. I'm using my zenfone 3 with 4gb ram for tests.
Sorry for any error, first time using this forum This is the code:
import ketai.camera.*;
KetaiCamera cam;
void iniciarCamera(int res_Width, int res_Height, int fps) {
if(cam == null){
cam = new KetaiCamera(this, res_Width, res_Height, fps);
img = cam;
} catch (Exception e){
erroGeral+="Erro durante a inciação da camera. \n";
void onCameraPreviewEvent()
String erroGeral = "";
void setup() {
size (750,480); // Resolução do programa.
iniciarCamera(640,480,24); //Resolução da qualidade da camera.
void draw() {
if(erroGeral==null || erroGeral == ""){
if (cam!= null && cam.isStarted()){
//image(cam, width/2, height/2, width, height);
//if (botaoPressionado){
img = cam;
// bs.imageFindBlobs(img);
image(img, width/2, height/2, width, height);
} else {
text("Aguardando camera....toque para ativar.", 100, height/2);
// Tratativa para Erros em geral (ajuda a localizar no código onde o erro se encontra)
} else {
text(erroGeral, 100, height/2);
} // Fim da trativa de erro.
private void leitura() {
bs.findBlobs(img.pixels, img.width, img.height);
bs.drawBox(boundingBoxCol, boundingBoxThickness);
for (int i = 0; i < bs.getBlobsNumber(); i++) {
stroke(0, 255, 0);
point(bs.getCentroidX(i), bs.getCentroidY(i));
textFont((createFont("Calibri", 14, true)));
text("x-> " + bs.getCentroidX(i) + "\ny-> " + bs.getCentroidY(i)+ "\nId-> "+ i, bs.getCentroidX(i)+30, bs.getCentroidY(i));
if ((bs.getCentroidX(i) < blobrefX) && (bs.getCentroidY(i) < blobrefY)) {
blobrefX = bs.getCentroidX(i);
blobrefY = bs.getCentroidY(i);
blobrefId = i;
if (!passos[1]){
matrizBlob[0] = true;
if (i != blobrefId) {
if (bs.getCentroidX(i) < blobrefX && bs.getCentroidY(i) > blobrefY-blobH && bs.getCentroidY(i) < blobrefY+blobH )
blobrefId = i;
blobrefX = bs.getCentroidX(i);
blobrefY = bs.getCentroidY(i);
blobrefEsq = true;
matrizBlob[0] = true;
matrizBlob[1] = true;
passos[0] = true;
} else if (bs.getCentroidX(i) > blobrefX && bs.getCentroidY(i) > blobrefY-blobH && bs.getCentroidY(i) < blobrefY+blobH ) {
blobrefEsq = true;
matrizBlob[0] = true;
matrizBlob[1] = true;
passos[0] = true;
} else if (bs.getCentroidX(i) < blobrefX-blobW*1.5 && bs.getCentroidY(i) > blobrefY+ blobH && !passos[0] ) {
blobrefEsq = false;
passos[1] = true;
matrizBlob[0] = false;
matrizBlob[1] = true;
passos[2] = true;
} else if (bs.getCentroidX(i) >= blobrefX-blobW && bs.getCentroidY(i) > blobrefY+ blobH && !passos[0] && !passos[2]) {
matrizBlob[0] = true;
matrizBlob[1] = false;
//matrizBlob[3] = true;
//blobrefEsq = true;
if (blobrefEsq) {
if (bs.getCentroidX(i) < blobrefX+blobW && bs.getCentroidY(i) > blobrefY+blobH && bs.getCentroidY(i)< blobrefY+3*blobH) {matrizBlob[2] = true;}
if (bs.getCentroidX(i) > blobrefX+blobW && bs.getCentroidY(i) > blobrefY+blobH && bs.getCentroidY(i)< blobrefY+3*blobH) {matrizBlob[3] = true;}
if (bs.getCentroidX(i) < blobrefX+blobW && bs.getCentroidY(i) > blobrefY+3*blobH && bs.getCentroidY(i)< blobrefY+7*blobH) {matrizBlob[4] = true;}
if (bs.getCentroidX(i) > blobrefX+blobW && bs.getCentroidY(i) > blobrefY+3*blobH && bs.getCentroidY(i)< blobrefY+7*blobH) {matrizBlob[5] = true;}
} else {
if (bs.getCentroidX(i) < blobrefX-blobW && bs.getCentroidY(i) > blobrefY+blobH && bs.getCentroidY(i)< blobrefY+3*blobH) {matrizBlob[2] = true;}
if (bs.getCentroidX(i) > blobrefX-blobW && bs.getCentroidY(i) > blobrefY+blobH && bs.getCentroidY(i)< blobrefY+3*blobH) {matrizBlob[3] = true;}
if (bs.getCentroidX(i) < blobrefX-blobW && bs.getCentroidY(i) > blobrefY+3*blobH && bs.getCentroidY(i)< blobrefY+7*blobH) {matrizBlob[4] = true;}
if (bs.getCentroidX(i) > blobrefX-blobW && bs.getCentroidY(i) > blobrefY+3*blobH && bs.getCentroidY(i)< blobrefY+7*blobH) {matrizBlob[5] = true;}
println("ID REF: "+blobrefId+ "\n X REF: "+blobrefX); // Debug
for (int p = 0; p <= 6; p++) {
try {
if (matrizBlob[p]) {
testeAtivo+= (p)+" "; // Debug
if (p == 0) {somaBlob += 1;}
if (p == 1) {somaBlob += 2;}
if (p == 2) {somaBlob += 4;}
if (p == 3) {somaBlob += 8;}
if (p == 4) {somaBlob += 16;}
if (p == 5) {somaBlob += 32;}
} catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
testeAtivo = "MUITOS PONTOS";
switch(somaBlob) {
case 1: letraBlob = "A"; break;
case 5: letraBlob = "B"; break;
case 3: letraBlob = "C"; break;
case 11: letraBlob = "D"; break;
case 9: letraBlob = "E"; break;
case 7: letraBlob = "F"; break;
case 15: letraBlob = "G"; break;
case 13: letraBlob = "H"; break;
case 6: letraBlob = "I"; break;
case 14: letraBlob = "J"; break;
default: letraBlob = "NoN"; break;
Edit post, highlight code, press Ctrl-o to format.
i think it's right now, thanks for help
One way is to call leitura every other frame.
Even better is to drop the resolution of the blobs you are processing (not the display image) to half -- 375x240. That pushes 25% of the pixels through your most expensive operations.