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Hello my Friends, I need in my app two tools, one for the text (type, size, color) and another one for select the color, (how the color select tool of Processing sketch ) It's posible to include in my Processing application this tools? May be there're some class designed for this. Thank you very much.
There's no need for additional tools or classes.
Processing can do all the things you're describing.
Here is some sample code for you:
Examine this code line by line until you understand how it works. Be sure to look up anything you don't understand in the Reference:
you miss the point
i think op wants to let the user select colors and fonts, no?
Yes Chrisir, but the code of TfGuy44 it's a starting point...
These are GUI stuff
Please look at g4p or controlP5 in the library section- maybe there is a color selector
Thanks Chrisir, I'll look at it.
color selector (not by me)
this is a font type selector
again, you don't need to understand it fully, just use it
credits to gotoloop
wow! thank you very much Chrisir and now I need work with this codes, to see how to I can adapt it to my app..
a hug for you.
new version of font selector above.
The list shows now in every line a font example (little slower at startup)
thanks, where is it?
I just replaced the old version
Jajaja, Sorry
Please still look at the mentioned libraries
I don't see the difference, the last one need more time to start but show the same!!!