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I am interested in circle detection on an image. I have used the Blobdetection library, however this code does not work correctly if many circles are present and merge togheter (many circles merged togheter are counted as a single blob). I have read about the Hough Circle function of Opencv. However I have not understood how this function can be used in processing once the opencv library is imported (the code I found on the web does not work in processing). Anyone can help? Thanks.
You said:
Can you explain this part very specifically? Do you mean you are trying to detect two circles in shapes like either of these?
Yes, circles that overlap like the ones in the pictures you shared. With Blobdetection they are detected as a single blob. OPENCV has the function Hough circle detect http://docs.opencv.org/2.4/doc/tutorials/imgproc/imgtrans/hough_circle/hough_circle.html However I have not understood how to implement it in processing.
@marco73it -- I'm not experienced in this specific type of problem, but one route might be to use the Processing OpenCV library --
-- then perhaps add hough circle detection -- I'm not sure if it is built in.