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Ngoai viec dang ky lap dat mang Internet cap quang cua FPT, co rat nhieu khach hang, dac biet la cac ho gia dinh, con rat quan tam den thu tuc lap mang Internet va truyen hinh cap quang FPT, de vua dap ung nhu cau hoc tap, lam viec online vua dap ung nhu cau giai tri qua truyen hinh cho moi thanh vien trong gia dinh. Xem chi tiet ve dich vu internet fpt tai day: https://internetfpt.vn
Vay thu tuc dang ky lap mang Internet va truyen hinh cap quang FPT Telecom nhu the nao, can phai luu y van de gi trong qua trinh dang ky lap dat hay khong? Hay danh mot chut thoi gian de theo doi chi tiet trong bai viet duoi day cac ban nhe! Click image for larger version
Thu tuc lap mang Internet va truyen hinh cap quang FPT nhu the nao?
Thu tuc lap mang Internet va truyen hinh cap quang FPT
Dap ung nhu cau dang ky dong thoi mang Internet va truyen hinh cap quang FPT Telecom cua dong dao khach hang hien nay, FPT Telecom da toi gian hoa moi thu tuc giay to dang ky lap dat mang Internet va truyen hinh cho khach hang, giup quy khach hang co the nhanh chong lap dat duoc ca mang Internet cung nhu truyen hinh thong minh trong thoi gian ngan nhat, khong mat nhieu thoi gian cho doi nhu cac don vi cung cap dich vu khac.
--->> Tham khao bang gia cac goi cuoc cap quang fpt tai day: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/bang-gia-cac-goi-cuoc-cap-quang-fpt-huy-duong/
Duoi day la cac buoc dang ky lap dat mang Internet cap quang va truyen hinh thong minh cua FPT ma khach hang co the tham khao va ap dung khi co nhu cau dang ky lap dat hai dich vu nay cua FPT Telecom:
Can luu y gi khi lap mang Internet va truyen hinh cap quang FPT?
Luu y khi lap dat mang Internet va truyen hinh cap quang cua FPT Telecom
Trong qua trinh dang ky lap dat mang Internet va truyen hinh cap quang cua FPT Telecom, quy khach hang can luu y mot so van de duoi day:
Tren day la nhung thong tin chi tiet ve thu tuc quy trinh dang ky lap dat mang Internet va goi cuoc truyen hinh cap quang cho khach hang cua FPT Telecom cung voi mot so van de can luu y trong qua trinh nay.
Hi vong voi nhung thong tin chi tiet tren day, cac ban da co the chu dong lua chon goi cuoc phu hop voi nhu cau su dung cung nhu biet quy trinh dang ky lap dat mang Internet va truyen hinh cua FPT nhu the nao de sap xep thoi gian hop ly khi co nhu cau dang ky mang va truyen hinh cua FPT Telecom.
Neu ban dang su dung internet cua fpt telecom va can duoc ho tro, hay lien he so tong dai fpt tai day: https://www.linkedin.com/company/tong-dai-fpt-telecom/
This is a Processing forum, not a C++ forum. What you have done is akin to asking a German-speaking forum for help with your Spanish homework. WRONG. LANGUAGE.
@snowfun87 Please format your code, edit your post and select
.Unless a moderator removes the question....
This is a really good analogy. We can't forget this is an international community where some ppl speak several languages :-B <:-P
bad subject choice and inability to describe the actual problem appears to be universal though.
Two problems with this code
1) The last line
return false;
is outside the scope of the method. It should be above the last}
2) Both parts of the
statement exit the function. Since thethen
or theelse
part must be true then the double loop and the function will be exited after examining the very first element.