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How to use the cascade classifier function to detect objects? There aren't any OpenCV documentation that describes how the functions work or any example that I can use as a base.
@Rafaelvx -- Do you mean this cascade documentation, with example?
There are a group of old forum posts discussing cascades that might be helpful. You can find most of them like this:
Thank you for your answer. This kind of reference I already read. I want to know how to create my own cascade and mainly, how to use it.
A reference where the concept is discussed: http://docs.opencv.org/trunk/d7/d8b/tutorial_py_face_detection.html
I already saw that. I'm working on it, but if there is any documentation for Processing it would be better. I'm trying to do a haar cascade following tutorials for Python and I don't even know if it will work.
Are you trying to figure out how to load a different haar cascade file that isn't built in, e.g. one of these?
Or are you trying to figure out how to create your own file from new training data? That is, have you created your own cascade already and aren't sure how to use / test it? Or not even created one?
It would help if you explained clearly what exactly you are trying to do.