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Is there a way to export my p5.js code into a windows/macOS application?
I want to showcase my program in a website, but also have it available offline for people who might want it.
Firefox-based browsers can run JS completely offline. \m/
For other browsers, you can create a simple local server to run your sketch: >-) https://GitHub.com/processing/p5.js/wiki/Local-server
@DewDrop - If you really want a runnable, standalone application you can use Electron. I tried it earlier this year and found it remarkably easy :)
Firefox-based browsers can run JS completely offline. \m/
For other browsers, you can create a simple local server to run your sketch: >-)
@DewDrop - If you really want a runnable, standalone application you can use Electron. I tried it earlier this year and found it remarkably easy :)