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I'm trying to use the Hough Circle Transformation in OpenCV. I've found documentations of it in C++ and Python, but I couldn't find any in Java. Does anyone know how to use this function/what I need to run it?
There is a library in processing called BloobDetection. You can install it through the library manager in the Processing IDE and check the provided examples. I am not familiar with the Circle Hough transformation. With BlobDetection, you can get a list of blobs and check if their height matches their width and extract those objects. If your image are made just of circles, then those selected items are what you looking for.
***EDIT: Yes, this will not do what you want if the circles are overlapping. it should work otherwise.
****EDIT2: Some hits: https://www.google.ca/search?rlz=1C1CHWA_enCA688CA688&q=Hough+Circle+Transformation+java&oq=Hough+Circle+Transformation+java&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0i22i30k1l2.9034.10538.0.10727.
...it is called BlobDetection, not BloobDetection :)
I corrected my post. Thanks @jeremydouglass