Processing window does not appear in spite of successful build

Hi everyone. My name is Joel. I'm new to the Processing developer's community, though I've been using Processing for some time now. I've managed to successfully build processing, and got the processing window after doing so. I have even submitted a pull request on GitHub.

However, recently, when building Processing, though I get the message

Total time: xx seconds
I didnt get the Processing output window.

I tried again, but to no avail. I restarted my PC, tried again. Build successful message, but no Processing window. I have Processing installed, and the regular program seems to be working fine. Its only when building it that it doesnt work.

So, with the working directory set to my local processing repository (master), I ran:
git clone
exactly like I had done in the beginning.

I then built it again (went to build directory in cmd > ant build ), and voila! Not only did it build successfully, but the processing window appeared.

Now, my fork has a few branches that are exact copies of the main processing repository at , while my master wasn't. So, I ran the following in the git bash terminal: git reset HEAD . (to remove un-modify a file that I had modified before)
git fetch upstream
git checkout master
git rebase upstream/master
git push -f origin master

to make my repository up-to-date. And my repo is up-to-date now. But I now get the same thing: Build successful; but no Processing window.

Am I doing something wrong?



  • edited January 2014

    Can't say much, but I would make a diff of your failing directory with a fresh clone of the project, to see if there is any significant difference.

  • OK, so I've been able to run Processing (including with the appropriate changes if I modify the source code) by using "ant run-windows" instead of "ant build". Why does "ant build" not work?

  • Hey, you're doing nothing wrong!

    "ant build" command is meant to compile the whole processing project, and stop with that. If you want to run Processing too after compiling, use "ant run". This command first builds processing and then starts it up as well on a successful build.

    You may want to take a look into build.xml(in build folder) to see the various build targets and options :)

  • Oh cool. But why was processing actually running initially when I used ant build? Thanks

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