Processing 3.3.5 (64-bit and 32-bit) startup errors on Windows 10

edited July 2017 in Using Processing

I'm trying to get Processing 3.3.5 64 bit version to run on my windows machine without any luck. I execute processing, shows the splash screen and never starts the IDE.

I've deleted the preferences files as instructed on the Processing troubleshooting page, deleted the Processing folder in the User/AppData/Roaming folder, and ran 'processing.exe --l4j-debug' from the console.

The debug file shows the following message:

Version: 3.9 CmdLine: C:\Users\AEPM\Downloads\processing-3.3.5-windows64\processing.exe --l4j-debug WOW64: yes Working dir: C:\Users\AEPM\Downloads\processing-3.3.5-windows64. Bundled JRE: java Check launcher: C:\Users\AEPM\Downloads\processing-3.3.5-windows64\java\bin\javaw.exe (OK) Heap -Xmx: Requested 256 MB / 0%, Available: 8256 MB, Heap size: 256 MB Substitute: EXEDIR = C:\Users\AEPM\Downloads\processing-3.3.5-windows64 Add classpath: lib\pde.jar Add classpath: core\library\core.jar Add classpath: lib\jna.jar Add classpath: lib\jna-platform.jar Add classpath: lib\antlr.jar Add classpath: lib\ant.jar Add classpath: lib\ant-launcher.jar Launcher: C:\Users\AEPM\Downloads\processing-3.3.5-windows64\java\bin\javaw.exe Launcher args: -Xmx256m -Djava.ext.dirs="C:\Users\AEPM\Downloads\processing-3.3.5-windows64\java\lib\ext" -Djna.nosys=true -Djna.boot.library.path=lib -Djna.nounpack=true -Dsun.java2d.d3d=false -Dsun.java2d.ddoffscreen=false -Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true -classpath "lib;lib\pde.jar;core\library\core.jar;lib\jna.jar;lib\jna-platform.jar;lib\antlr.jar;lib\ant.jar;lib\ant-launcher.jar" Args length: 389/32768 chars Exit code: 1

And as mentioned before, never starts the IDE, no error message, just nothing, shows the splash screen for a fraction of a second and then disappears.

Additionally, if I try running the 32-bit version from the console with the same command, I get the An error Occurred during startup and a NullPointerException and the execution stack, with the problem apparently being at The message from the launch4j file for the 32 bit gives the following message:

Version: 3.9 CmdLine: C:\Users\AEPM\Downloads\processing-3.3.5-windows32\processing.exe --l4j-debug WOW64: yes Working dir: C:\Users\AEPM\Downloads\processing-3.3.5-windows32. Bundled JRE: java Check launcher: C:\Users\AEPM\Downloads\processing-3.3.5-windows32\java\bin\javaw.exe (OK) Heap -Xmx: Requested 256 MB / 0%, Available: 8252 MB, Heap size: 256 MB Substitute: EXEDIR = C:\Users\AEPM\Downloads\processing-3.3.5-windows32 Add classpath: lib\pde.jar Add classpath: core\library\core.jar Add classpath: lib\jna.jar Add classpath: lib\jna-platform.jar Add classpath: lib\antlr.jar Add classpath: lib\ant.jar Add classpath: lib\ant-launcher.jar Launcher: C:\Users\AEPM\Downloads\processing-3.3.5-windows32\java\bin\javaw.exe Launcher args: -Xmx256m -Djava.ext.dirs="C:\Users\AEPM\Downloads\processing-3.3.5-windows32\java\lib\ext" -Djna.nosys=true -Djna.boot.library.path=lib -Djna.nounpack=true -Dsun.java2d.d3d=false -Dsun.java2d.ddoffscreen=false -Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true -classpath "lib;lib\pde.jar;core\library\core.jar;lib\jna.jar;lib\jna-platform.jar;lib\antlr.jar;lib\ant.jar;lib\ant-launcher.jar" Args length: 389/32768 chars Exit code: 259

Am I missing some additional configuration? Is there something wrong with the way I'm running the executables? Any help here would be greatly appreciated, if you need any additional information please let me know.

Thanks in advance!

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