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I’ve written a Processing program on my MacBook Air that grabs frames from the camera, calculates their mean brightness, and plots those values on screen.
The program runs just fine on my Mac but it’s meant to be deployed on a Raspie (Pi 3 model B) with a camera module attached and that’s where I’ve run into trouble.
The program throws an «No such Gstreamer factory: v4l2src» and of course it refuses to run. I know the camera works because I can grab pictures from it with fswebcam.
This happens both with the latest version of Raspbian and the one with Processing preinstalled even after updating it .
I’ve followed the instructions on
but with no luck.
I’ve also tried to follow the instructions in this video
but I can’t complete them as the file
gives an 404 error.
I’ve also tried installing gstreamer 1.0 and its tools, also with no luck at all.
Any ideas?
Tagging @gohai.
@Wicho Install and use the "GL Video Library" (from the Library Manager).
Also see the general notes for running Processing on the Raspberry Pi here (there is a pre-configured image file listed for download, which has the library pre-installed also): https://github.com/processing/processing/wiki/Raspberry-Pi