My code doesn't run

edited July 2017 in JavaScript Mode

Hello! I have a problem with my code: I've followed the ufficial processing guide to put my processing code in a web page: creating a plain text file with .pde extension ,downloading processing.js,creating a html file with in the head and a canvas in the body which refers to my code () but...When I open it in the browser it doesn't run correctly, I see just the first level of my sketch , but when I click buttons to change the level it doesn't work :'( I haven't got any libreries included.


  • Can you post your code,, including your html? There is nothing that can be done if we don't see your code. Or you could run a simple demo first before try using a more complex pde code.


  • edited July 2017

    JavaScript.JS (Pjs) is mainly used to transpile Java Mode sketches in JS syntax, so they can run in browsers. ~O)

    In order to check whether your sketch is transpiled via Pjs, go to this site below, paste it, switch to its Mode Processing.js and then click at the run button: B-)

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