Need testers for my new game

edited July 2017 in Share Your Work

What is this?

This game is called Alchemy. It is similar to games like Alchemy Classic and Doodle God. However, Alchemy is full customizable and users can easily add their own content to the game and even alter the textures! The game is an executable and can run on Windows PC (or Mac and Linux if you use Wine).

In-game Screenshot

How to play

Simply download the zip file and extract it, then open Alchemy.exe and you're good to go! Once the game has launched (it takes around 15 seconds) click "New game" to start. A brief tutorial is included to introduce players to the gameplay. If you're stuck, you can use the hint button that will provide you an element that you can create. Don't forget to save before you exit!

In the main menu's bottom left corner there is a settings button where the user can: disable/enable sound and music, adjust SFX volume, change language (there are 4 language files provided, including English (default), French, Spanish and Chinese), option to use OpenGL (must restart the game to take effect) and others.

How to customize

You can customize the game with packs. An example pack is given called "minecraft" located in the "resources/packs/" folder. You can browse through the files to see how easy it is to add content.


Google Drive DL Link

That's it! Thanks for reading my post! I am new to game development so don't expect much from this small little game. I made the whole game in Java using Processing library and other small libraries. It would be much appreciated to provide feedback or suggestions!


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