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has anyone tried using VAOs in Processing?
I'm attempting to add a VAO to the Advanced OpenGL example from the Wiki, but I can't work out how to set it up.
My plan is to create and populate the VBOs and bind them to a VAO in setup(), then I just need to bind and draw the VAO in draw(), rather than having to bind the 3 VBOs individually before drawing. That's the plan, anyway.
So far, I've changed 'gl' to be an instance of the 'GL3', rather than 'GL2ES2' JOGL objects, as I think VAOs aren't part of the GL2ES2 spec.
I've changed
gl = pgl.gl.getGL2ES2();
gl = pgl.gl.getGL3();
to match.
I've also generated an extra IntBuffer in setup()
gl.glGenBuffers(4, intBuffer);
vaoId = intBuffer.get(0);
posVboId = intBuffer.get(1);
colorVboId = intBuffer.get(2);
indexVboId = intBuffer.get(3);
as according to the the jogamp docs for GL3, the glGenVertexArrays() function requires an IntBuffer as its 2nd argument.
What I can't work out is what should be in the IntBuffer that's passed in, and how to get the data into it.
Apologies if this is a stupid question. I have a basic concept of what VAOs are for, but have never tried implementing them before.
Any tips or pointers gratefully accepted.
IntBuffer vao = GLBuffers.newDirectIntBuffer(1); gl3.glGenVertexArrays(1, vao); gl3.glBindVertexArray(vao.get(0));
Hi @nabr sorry for the late reply. I'll try that, thanks very much, once again!
Unless I'm missing something, he doesn't seem to be using the VAO he created, in the draw method.
Maybe I'm wrong, though...
@toneburst yes. becourse the example use drawelements https://www.google.de/search?q=gldrawelements+vs+gldrawarrays
you have to figure out, what works best in your project.
Ah, I see. Thanks @nabr.