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Hello. I feel like I'm being stupid, but I can't find the Network library. I tried looking for it everywhere on the internet and then I also thought, that it is already built in Processing and I tried importing it inside my code. Please, where is the network library?
Ok, I found the library built in processing, but I can't use it on Android. Also, how can I export apps from Windows processing running Android mode to Android?
Not sure to understand your question; for a big lot of cases you cannot "export" your processing apps to android (libraries which does not work for the android mode e.g) and you have to transform your code. In your case it seems that you want to perform network operations; if it is, you dont need any lib and have to use the native android way to do that: connectivityManager() to verify wifi or mobil state, httpUrlconnection() to stabilish the connection, then an asyntask for downloading (or posting) from/to your url, then receiving data and readin them as an inputstream: that's all.
I want to connect 2 devices to play a game.
yes, but what kind of connections, bluetooth?, wifi??
Well, Bluetooth connection is good enough for start. But I also want to be able to connect to a server.