can I save the state that the canvas is in, and the call that state later?

I found that if I do not put a background() call in the first line of draw, when I make a moving circle it makes a trail. Now, I thought this was very cool but I don't have much control over it. I may be asking the wrong question (please tell me if I am), but if I want to have more control over the trail I have to make it my self, this would mean I need to draw a circle at the x and y (which are changing variables) of the main circle and not have it move, but that means infinite variables or infinite circles (I think). I guess what I mean by my question is can I make a circle at x and y variables and in the next frame make another circle through the same ellipse call while not moving or deleting the first extra circle and so on so forth.


  • edited June 2017

    btw here is my code

    function setup() {
        createCanvas(1000, 1000);
    var speed = 5;
    var x = 0;
    var y = 0;
    function draw() {
        if (keyIsDown(SHIFT)) {
            rect(x - 25, y - 25, 50, 50);
        } else {
        if (keyIsDown(87)) {
            y -= speed;
        if (keyIsDown(83)) {
            y += speed;
        if (keyIsDown(68)) {
            x += speed;
        if (keyIsDown(65)) {
            x -= speed;
  • I could make this work thx!!

  • edited October 2019

    Just letting ya know I've converted my original Java/JS Mode sketch to p5.js: O:-)

     * Chase-Shadow Circles (v1.1.0)
     * GoToLoop (2017-Jun-19)
     * can-i-save-the-state-that-the-canvas-is-in-
     * and-the-call-that-state-later#Item_4
    'use strict';
    const DIM = 0o100, LEN = DIM << 1, NEW = DIM - 1 << 1, OPAC = 0o30,
          xy = new Int16Array(LEN);
    let bgc;
    function setup() {
      fill(0, OPAC).noStroke().noCursor();
      bgc = color(0xff);
      mouseX = width >> 1, mouseY = height >> 1;
      new Int32Array(xy.buffer).fill(mouseY << 16 | mouseX & 0xffff);
    function draw() {
      for (let i=0; i<NEW; i+=2)  ellipse(xy[i] = xy[i+2], xy[i+1] = xy[i+3], i>>1);
      ellipse(xy[NEW] = mouseX, xy[NEW+1] = mouseY, DIM);
      document.title = round(frameRate());
    function windowResized() {
      const css = getComputedStyle(canvas.parentElement),
            mw = float(css.marginLeft) + float(css.marginRight),
            mh = float(css.marginTop)  + float(css.marginBottom),
            ww = float(css.width)  || windowWidth,
            wh = float(css.height) || windowHeight,
            w = round(ww - mw), h = round(wh - mh);
      resizeCanvas(w, h, true);
  • edited June 2017
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset=utf-8>
    <meta name=viewport content=width=device-width,initial-scale=1>
    <script async src=></script>
    <script defer src=sketch.js></script>
    html { height: 100%; margin: auto; }
    canvas {
      height: inherit; margin: inherit; position: absolute;
      top: 0; left: 0; bottom: 0; right: 0;
  • nice i converted too. Although I did nothing fancy, you know change all of the voids to function and the ints to vars.

    Oh by the way I am in no way distributing this and take no credit for the things I made with it.

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