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Hey guys, how exactly do I play the sound file only when the ball hits the base (the rect)? Because all I'm doing is to make it play whenever it hits the whole bottom ..
Thank you
import ddf.minim.*;
Minim minim;
AudioPlayer certo;
void setup()
minim = new Minim(this);
certo = minim.loadFile("FGBS(9).wav");
float bolaX = 200;
float bolaY = 100;
float velX = 10;
float velY = 0;
int hit = 0;
int miss = 0;
void draw()
if(mousePressed) { hit = 0; miss = 0; }
float base = 1000/ (hit+10);
if(bolaX < 0 || bolaX > width) velX = -velX;
if(bolaY > height){
velY = -velY;
float distancia = abs(mouseX - bolaX);
if (distancia < base) hit+=1;
else miss += 1;
} else velY += 1;
bolaX += velX;
bolaY += velY;
background(177, 195, 224);
ellipse(bolaX, bolaY, 50, 50);
rect(mouseX-base, height-15, 2*base, 15);
text("H I T: " + hit, 50, 50);
text("M I S S: " + miss, 50, 100);
Which lines play the sound? 29 and 30
Maybe you need to swap them by the way
The check for the base is in line 32/33
I suggest you write this if statement with { } and move the two lines for the sound there into that if-clause
Hint: I tend to write all if / else blocks with { } around them
Also hit ctrl-t regularly to auto format your code please
Chrisir ;-)