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I'm trying to blur an image with Seriously.js. For local image files this is working but I want to use a dynamic web address as a image source. So far, this causes an cross-domain image problem. Does someone maybe has a work-around?
Thanks for your help.
var imgCover; function preload() { var url = "https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/o94bc-DU6CAt5Q5JQPOfA3FB0Fs84FC7m7eCSPmyZUBqKkkQrnvMYAFz04-9nCe-lfTEQ_41wA=w600"; imgCover = createImg(url); } function setup() { noLoop(); createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight); canvas = createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight, WEBGL); canvas.id('imgTarget'); blurCover(); //imgCover = createImg(url, blurCover); } function blurCover() { imgCover.id('imgSource'); var seriously = new Seriously(); var src = seriously.source('#imgSource'); var target = seriously.target('#imgTarget'); var blur = seriously.effect('blur'); blur.amount = 0.1; blur.source = src; target.source = blur; seriously.go(); } function loadImageErrorOverride(errEvt) { var pic = errEvt.target; if (!pic.crossOrigin) return print('Failed to reload ' + pic.src + '!'); print('Attempting to reload it as a tainted image now...'); pic.crossOrigin = null, pic.src = pic.src; blurCover(); } function windowResized() { resizeCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight); }
I found a solution. It seems like the p5 image object caused the problem. Just in case someone needs a solution for this as well, this is my working code: