Make several layers of tabs?

On some of my bigger projects, I get too many tabs open in processing (3) and it can become a nightmare to choose the right one. Is there a way to make the tabs layered? If there isn't, then why not?



  • You should try the tab manager and see if it works for you. You should be able to install it under tools in the Processing IDE.


  • It doesn't seem to be compatible with 3.2, which is what I'm using....

  • I have P3.3.4, Tab Manager v4.6 and I'm in Win10. I ahve to say I installed this tool probly since P3.1 at least. Maybe you should install it manually. Try


  • I updated to 3.3.4 and tried tab manager - and it seems to be exactly the same as the downwards arrow on the right side of all the tabs. Is there a way to dock it? If not, it really isn't at all useful...

  • The TabManager can be docked onto the PDE on all four sides.

    This is what I got from the link I shared previously. However I confirmed that I cannot dock it. I notice that my tab manager doesn't have all the buttons advertised in the webpage. One thing you could do is to contact the author directly

    Unfortunately, the repo is not available anymore.


  • Okay... Is there any other way of accomplishing this? Also, thank you for you help...

  • Answer ✓

    Only thing I can think atm is to make a feature request:

    Another suggestion is to change to another IDE or use your favorite text editor more suitable for you. Then, you could run processing from the command line. For example, this tip could work if you are an emacs user. Or you could switch to Eclipse. However, I cannot comment regarding their tab (read "this" more like multiple file) manager.

    Hopefully other forum goers can provide other ideas/alternatives.


  • You could turn to another ide namely eclipse

    Given your skill level that's wise anyway

    Also you could make a library

    Or use shorter tab names or put more lines into a tab, merging tabs

  • I use Notepad++. There's an topic says how to make N++ run the Processing sketch. The latest processing is more fussy about the order of the parameters, this works for me:

    NPP_SAVE C:\Programs\Processing\processing-java.exe --force --sketch="$(CURRENT_DIRECTORY)" --output="$(CURRENT_DIRECTORY)/ouput" --run

    You can have the sketch open in Processing and N++, each one updates from file after saving from the other. N++ allows you to close the console window (ctrl-apostrophe) and use the whole screen to see program source.

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