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I am making Pacman for class and i am trying to make the dots that pacman has to eat but im not sure how to make the dots and how he is suppose to eat them, please help!!
public abstract class Item
public void pacEatsDots();
public class Pacman extends Item
int x;
int y;
int radius = 15;
int direction = 1;
int direction2 = 0;
public Pacman(int xn, int yn)
x = xn;
y = yn;
void keyPressed() {//https://forum.processing.org/two/discussion/1573/spoof-of-pacman-game-for-project
if (key == CODED) {
if (keyCode == LEFT) {
x = x - 5;
direction = -1;
direction2 = 0;
} else if (keyCode == RIGHT) {
x = x + 5;
direction = 1;
direction2 = 0;
} else if (keyCode == UP) {
y = y - 5;
direction = 0;
direction2 = -1;
} else if (keyCode == DOWN) {
y = y + 5;
direction = 0;
direction2 = 1;
public void render() {//https://forum.processing.org/two/discussion/1573/spoof-of-pacman-game-for-project
for ( int i=-1; i < 2; i++) {
for ( int j=-1; j < 2; j++) {
translate(x + (i * width), y + (j*height));
if ( direction == -1) {
if ( direction2 == 1) {
if ( direction2 == -1) {
rotate( PI + HALF_PI );
arc(0, 0, radius*2, radius*2, map((millis() % 500), 0, 500, 0, 0.52), map((millis() % 500), 0, 500, TWO_PI, 5.76) );
fill(255, 255, 0);
// mouth movement //
public void checkPixelsPacman()
color white = color(255, 255, 255);
color black = color(0,0,0);
color c = pg.get(x,y);
if (c==white) {
else if(c == black)
public class Dots extends Item {
int[][] data = new int[][];
int x;
int y;
public Dots(int xn,int yn)
x = xn;
y = yn;
public void display()
Pacman pac;
PImage img;
PImage startscreen;
int direction = 1;
int direction2 = 0;
int radius = 15;
PGraphics pg;
boolean path = false;
Dots dot;
void setup()
size(723, 800);
dot = new Dots(40,40);
pac = new Pacman(100, 225);
pg = createGraphics(723, 800);
img = loadImage("psb2.jpg");
void draw()
image(img, 0, 0);
pg.line(40, 40, 40, 225);//pathway
pg.line(40, 225, 165, 225);//pathway
pg.line(40, 40, 325, 40);//pathway
pg.line(165, 40, 165, 685);
pg.line(165, 685, 40, 685);
pg.line(40, 685, 40, 755);
pg.line(40, 755, 690, 755);
pg.line(690, 755, 690, 685);
pg.line(690, 685, 560, 685);
pg.line(560, 685, 560, 40);
pg.line(400, 40, 690, 40);
pg.line(400, 40, 400, 145);
pg.line(690, 40, 690, 145);
pg.line(690, 145, 40, 145);
pg.line(325, 40, 325, 145);
pg.line(245, 145, 245, 225);
pg.line(245, 225, 320, 225);
pg.line(320, 225, 320, 300);
pg.line(250, 300, 480, 300);
pg.line(250, 300, 250, 375);
pg.line(480, 300, 480, 375);
pg.line(480, 375, 800, 375);
pg.line(250, 375, 0, 375);
pg.line(250, 375, 250, 525);
pg.line(40, 525, 320, 525);
pg.line(40, 525, 40, 610);
pg.line(320, 525, 320, 610);
pg.line(320, 610, 165, 610);
pg.line(40, 610, 90, 610);
pg.line(90, 610, 90, 685);
pg.line(320, 610, 560, 610);
pg.line(475, 610, 475, 685);
pg.line(475, 685, 405, 685);
pg.line(405, 685, 405, 755);
pg.line(320, 755, 320, 680);
pg.line(320, 680, 250, 680);
pg.line(250, 680, 250, 610);
pg.line(400, 610, 400, 525);
pg.line(400, 525, 680, 525);
pg.line(680, 525, 680, 610);
pg.line(680, 610, 630, 610);
pg.line(630, 610, 630, 685);
pg.line(480, 375, 480, 525);
pg.line(480, 455, 250, 455);
pg.line(400, 300, 400, 225);
pg.line(400, 225, 480, 225);
pg.line(480, 225, 480, 145);
pg.line(690, 145, 690, 220);
pg.line(690, 220, 560, 220);
// image(pg, 0, 0);
I have done pacman to death.
Of course, for you, you might want to do something more like the coins from this:
Just start with the coins visible and turn them invisible when you collect them.
@TfGuy44 thank you so much!! One more question, my pacman object keeps on moving even when the keys aren't being pressed do you know why?
On line 76, your checkPixelsPacman() function is calling the keypressed() function to MOVE Pacman in addition to setting his direction. What you should really do is only set the direction in keyPressed() (since that's all pressing a key should actually do, right?), and then try to update pacman's position is some other function.
For reference, look at (starting at line 86) this in my old pacman code:
This sets the direction based on what key was pressed. This direction is then used elsewhere to actually move pacman (line 40):