If some1 is logged in and go to https://forum.Processing.org/two/discussions, any new reply to a forum thread shows up w/ highlight yellow color, denoting how many replies since last checked, in most recent order.
Some forum goers might ignore threads marked as answered.
But I believe most still peek in order to be sure. ;;)
You can't.
Someone left me this message "Please don't post duplicates. Continue the conversation on your original thread."
If I post on original thread. How will people know about my post if its already marked "answered?"
If some1 is logged in and go to https://forum.Processing.org/two/discussions, any new reply to a forum thread shows up w/ highlight yellow color, denoting how many replies since last checked, in most recent order.
Some forum goers might ignore threads marked as answered.
But I believe most still peek in order to be sure. ;;)
We know because every time you respond to the original thread, it jumps to the top of this list and turns bold:
...which is more important than Answered.
Thanks for your discussion. I didn't know about this. Because I am totally new member.
My pleasure!