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Hey there, This is my first Processing project. So far it's going well, but I'm stuck with the string splitting bit.
OK, so ive programmed the arduino, and its connected to sensors giving correct values in the serial window (arduinoIDE)
but when Processing grabs the string and splits it, all I'm getting is zeros. Just zeros. nothing but zeros.
the graphic window appears to work correctly given the crappy data its getting.
The program is a live feed connected to an EFI engine for keeping an eye on extra sensors whilst on the Dynamometer. Anyway, if I could get some help that would be great!
`import grafica.*;
import processing.serial.*;
import processing.serial.Serial;
GPointsArray myArray = new GPointsArray(0);
Serial myPort; // The serial port
//float inByte = 0; // defines starting value for the serial input(doesnt seem to be needed)
int count;
int[] sensors; // declare 'sensors' as an array (just incase I need it)
// int value;
int xPos = 20; // horizontal position of the graph
int yPos = 300; // current vertical position of the graph
int sensorNum;
int lastxPos = xPos; // previous horizontal position of the graph
int lastyPos0= 0; // last vertical position of the 1st graph and.......
int lastyPos1= 0;
int lastyPos2= 0;
int lastyPos3= 0;
int lastyPos4= 0;
int lastyPos5= 0; // ........last vertical position of the 6th graph
String startvals = "'0','0','0','0','0','0'";
int vals[];
void setup () {
size(1024, 300); // set the window size
println(Serial.list ()); // List all the available serial ports
myPort = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[1], 9600); //open second COMport on PC
myPort.bufferUntil(000); // don't generate a serialEvent() unless you get a 000 (which im not convinced will work)
background(0); // set inital background:
// vals = new int[6];
// println(vals);
// String[] vals = (splitTokens(startvals));
void draw () {
// draw the line:
println(vals[0]); // (debug) visually check the first sensor value
stroke(300,205, 0);
line (lastxPos, lastyPos0, xPos,250- vals[0]); // draw for sensor one and...
stroke(30,205, 0);
line (lastxPos, lastyPos1, xPos,250- vals[1]);
stroke(300,205, 60);
line (lastxPos, lastyPos2, xPos,250- vals[2]);
stroke(300,05, 200);
line (lastxPos, lastyPos3, xPos,250- vals[3]);
stroke(300,205, 30);
line (lastxPos, lastyPos4, xPos,250- vals[4]);
stroke(300,205, 300);
line (lastxPos, lastyPos5, xPos,250- vals[5]); // .......draw for sensor 6
lastxPos = xPos; //
lastyPos0 = vals[0];
lastyPos1 = vals[1];
lastyPos2 = vals[2];
lastyPos3 = vals[3];
lastyPos4 = vals[4];
lastyPos5 = vals[5];
if (xPos >= width) { // at the edge of the screen, go back to the beginning:
xPos = 0; // reset to start of window
lastxPos = 0; // reset to start of window
} else {
xPos =xPos + 20; // increment the horizontal position:
void serialEvent(Serial s) { //*******************************************************
vals = int(splitTokens(s.readString())); //*** Divide incoming string to seperate variables ***
// startvals = splitTokens(","); //*** These two lines are previous attempts that ***
// vals[] = splitTokens(s, ", "); //*** didn't seem to work. ***
//*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
lastyPos0 = (vals[0]); //*** This cant be right, surely ***
lastyPos1 = (vals[1]); //*** ***
lastyPos2 = (vals[2]); //*** THIS is where I am lost! I am certain this is ***
lastyPos3 = (vals[3]); //*** NOT how to do this but I cant find another way ***
lastyPos4 = (vals[4]); //*** online to do it. ***
lastyPos5 = (vals[5]); //*******************************************************
redraw = true;
Can you post your ino code?
the data stream is for example: 100,45,43,67,102,10
In your processing code, change this
and see if this does the trick.Also check the link provided by GoToLoop as that code is very simple and shows one way to interact with Arduino units.
I had a look at GoToLoop's link and it seems to be where some of my code originally came from.
Changing that line to what you suggested, give an 'Invalid character constant' error Edit: I used forward slash, stupid, stupid, stupid.
I now have a NullPointerException on the second line of the DRAW function
Yes, because you commented out line 30 in your setup. You need to initialize your array:
vals=new int[6];
ok, fixed line 30.
still just zeros
Notice when you use redraw in serial event, you need to use noLoop() in setup. This is how it works. redraw/noLoop works together. NoLoop() in setup forces draw() to be drawn only once and thenthe program keeps running but the draw instructions (which updates the display) are not executed. When you get data in your serial event, you have to make sure you have valid data. Then, after you process the valid data, you execute redraw(); which executes the draw() function only once.
So every time you get your data in the serialEvent() function, it will trigger the drawing instructions in draw. More information in https://processing.org/reference/redraw_.html and https://processing.org/reference/noLoop_.html
You need to make sure you have good data in serial event. For example, check below.
If you have more problems, please post your latest code.