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I was watching this video: 10.4 Brightness Mirror - p5.js Tutorial
and I am not getting my code to work:
var video; function setup() { createCanvas(320, 240); pixelDensity(1); video = createCapture(VIDEO).size(320, 240); } function draw() { background(51); video.loadPixels(); //pixels from canvas loadPixels(); for (var y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (var x = 0; x < width; x++) { var index = (x + y * width)*4; pixels[index+0] = video.pixels[index+0]; pixels[index+1] = video.pixels[index+1]; pixels[index+2] = video.pixels[index+2]; pixels[index+3] = 255; } } updatePixels(); }
It shows like a ghost-like video :/ http://xxnotmuchxx.tumblr.com/post/160811589716