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Hello guys! I've tried to make "Tangible User Interface" for Grasshopper, communicating reactivision>>tuio^(processing library)>>processing>>ghowl(grasshopper library)>>grasshopper. I followed this tutorial: ( http://www.grasshopper3d.com/profiles/blogs/tangible-user-interface-for?xg_source=activity ), but the dropfile ARGH.rar (ARGH.pde, ARGH.gh, etc. >>These files connect the programs with each others) is no longer available.
Does anyone knows how can I do in processing to export the coordinates from TUIO(reactivison) to grasshopper?. I have the .pde file that connects REACTIVISION and Processing, and also, I have a .pde file that connects PROCESSING with GRASSHOPPER (but It's an example in which Processing sends the coordinates of the mouse to Grasshopper) >> https://github.com/gHowl/gHowlComponents/blob/master/Example Files/OSC/gHowl_OSC_Mouse2D/gHowl_OSC_Mouse2D.pde
Thanks a lot !!!!!!!!!!!
I believe Firefly for Grasshopper allows you to interface with reacTIVision and its markers directly.