Bouncing ball programme, need help!

In the programme below I tried to make it so when ever you clicked the screen it creates a ball that bounces around. But when I click the screen a black circle appears and does nothing, can someone help me fix my code?

ArrayList<Ball> balls;

void setup() {
 size (640, 360);
 balls = new ArrayList<Ball>();
 for (Ball ball : balls){

void draw() {
 background (55); 

 for (Ball ball : balls){;

void mousePressed() {

 balls.add(new Ball(mouseX, mouseY));

class Ball {

  float a;
  float b;
  float movex;
  float ballx;
  float movey;
  float bally;
  int fcolor;

 public Ball(float ballx, float bally) {

  this.ballx = ballx;
  this.bally = bally;

void Setup() {
 fcolor = 255;
 ballx = width/2;
 bally = height/2;
 a = random(-6, 6);
 b = random(6, -6);
 if ( a < 0) {
   movex = -6;
   } else {
   movex = 6;
   if (b < 0) {
   movey = -6;
   } else {
   movey = 6;

 void show() {

  fill (fcolor);
  stroke (fcolor);
  ellipse (ballx, bally, 50, 50);
 void update() {

 ballx = ballx + movex;
 bally = bally + movey;

 if (ballx > width) {
   ballx = width;
   movex = -movex;
   fcolor = color(random(255), random(2, 55), random(0, 255));

  if (ballx < 0) {
   ballx = 0;
   movex = -movex;
   fcolor = color(random(0, 255), random(0, 255), random(0, 255));
   bally = bally + 0.2;

  if (bally > height) {
   bally = height;
   movey = -movey;
   fcolor = color(random(0, 255), random(0, 55), random(0, 255));
  if (bally < 0) {
   bally = 0;
   movey = -movey;
   fcolor = color(random(0, 255), random(0, 255), random(0, 255));


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