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I'm trying to add color to my Perlin Noise sketch, but having trouble. It's only in gray scale. I know I have to map the colors from 0 to 1, since those are the only values that noise( ) can understand. Here's my code:
float inc = 0.06;
int density = 4;
float znoise = 0.0;
void setup(){
size(500, 500);
void draw(){
float xnoise = 0.0;
float ynoise = 0.0;
for(int y = 0; y < height; y += density){
for(int x = 0; x < width; x += density){
float n = noise(xnoise, ynoise, znoise) * 256;
rect(y, x, density, density);
xnoise += inc;
xnoise = 0;
ynoise += inc;
znoise += inc;
Then I found this code in an article that helps you add color gradients to Perlin Noise, but it's in C# language. If anybody can translate it, I'd greatly appreciate it. If not, is there a way you know of that can add color to my Perlin Noise sketch? Thanks for any help.
Color GetColor(Color gradientStart, Color gradientEnd, float t)
float u = 1 - t;
Color color = Color.FromArgb(
(int)(gradientStart.R * u + gradientEnd.R * t),
(int)(gradientStart.G * u + gradientEnd.G * t),
(int)(gradientStart.B * u + gradientEnd.B * t));
return color;
Color[][] MapGradient(Color gradientStart, Color gradientEnd, float[][] perlinNoise)
int width = perlinNoise.Length;
int height = perlinNoise[0].Length;
Color[][] image = GetEmptyArray(width, height);
for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < height; j++)
image[i][j] = GetColor(gradientStart, gradientEnd, perlinNoise[i][j]);
return image;
Combine noise and lerpColor: https://processing.org/reference/lerpColor_.html
Also check: https://processing.org/reference/colorMode_.html
Examples: https://processing.org/examples/radialgradient.html
You want
to give you a color of the rainbow.Adding
to setup() (or where-ever) will do that for you. In particular, you are multiplying your noise by 256, socolorMode(HSB, 256);
Now display a fully saturated, fully bright color with
fill(n, 255, 255);
Thank you!