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I've been trying all the solutions I can find on the forums, but I can't get any of them to work. I just need a simple file selector, something that will return a file path that I can load as an image or sound clip into Processing.
Thanks for any help.
Did you check in the forum? https://forum.processing.org/two/discussion/comment/89154/#Comment_89154
yeah I tried that code, I get the file browser popping up - I then have to a select a picture twice before it progresses, but then nothing happens - the onActivityResult method never gets called.
Hello, please try the following code. Bascially, the following code is from the link kf pointed. The code, I have tested, it worked on my Android phone, Android Version 6.0. when you run the code, select imge file, it will print the path on your android screen, you can do stuff to the path.
thanks for this - will try it later and get back to you :)
The forum formatting changes all your @ Override references. To fix it, write "@ Override" instead of @.Override aka. add a space between @ and Override. This will solve the formatting issue in your post.