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Hello, I need a suggestion on how to debug the following issue. I've created an application in Processing, that uses the Firmata library to read data from an Arduino analog input. The Program is used on several MacBooks. I've tested the application on three different macbooks and it works perfectly on two of them. But when running the program on the third macbook, the incoming data from the analoginput doesn't make sense. The incoming data is static and dosn't relate logical to the sensor. If i plug the same Arduino and sensor into the to other computers it works perfectly.
For me it seems like the serial connection over the USBmodem is not able to read the data, however it connect perfectly. No errors are occurring from the IDE. The non-working mac might not have java JDK installed but only the JSE. Could that have something to say?
I will suggest installing Processing + related Arduino resources in the third mac and go right into debugging.