We are about to switch to a new forum software. Until then we have removed the registration on this forum.
Any idea advice on developing in processing something similar to "chronotext" whereby text is animated as a ribbon following e.g topographic contours ? Is there a library most likely to find the needed functions?
Link to chronotext: http://www.chronotext.org/Isaiah/index.htm I am thinking of doing similar text animation using a Right to Left language.
@hamid --
Try "Placing text along a path using Geomerative and Processing" http://louisc.co.uk/?p=2686
If you want to create your own implementation, the Processing text tutorial shows a simple demonstration of the one-character-at-a-time method of arranging text on a circle / on a curve. https://processing.org/tutorials/text/
See also old discussions of text on a curve / text on a path --
So the text move over time... Any ideas how to make curve text? The background surface can be probly simulated with perlin noise.