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I wrote this program to play a midi file and visualize the channels, notes and velocities:
There are thousands of files online in .mid format. I think it's quite an interesting source of data. We often try to get information out of sound using FFT, but that's a very limited approach which never gives us the chords and simultaneous notes being played. Of course using midi has its own limitations. For instance, you don't know if the synths being played have short or long decay, so it can be hard to visualize decaying sounds with precision.
In any case, fun to play with I think :)
If you create anything with it, I would be happy if you link it here for others to see.
This is great! Thanks for putting it together. I had found separate code for playing a midi file and interpreting all messages as a long array – but your solution combining them is really helpful. Main modification I made so far, was additional output readings of the noteName (A#) and the octave. My plan is to combine it with minim so an oscillator can play the midi notes.. will post again once done.