Why is it doing that ??? Saving live capture instead of the content of a capture object

edited April 2017 in Arduino

Hi all, I am trying to record incoming data from a serial port as well as capturing video. Because of the speed (data is coming every millisecond) I had to trigger the video capture inside the serialEvent (built-in camera works at 30 fps max). I decided to capture a snapshot every 50ms. It takes too long to save the snapshot so I had to buffer it in an arrayList. I did the same with the serial data. Acquisition is triggered and stopped using keyPressed. Once it is finished, I come back to my arrayLists and save the pictures one by one (including the serial data in the name, it is just a short string). Here is the trouble: instead of reading the content of the Capture arrayList it reads whatever is coming from the camera.

I tried without success: -myPort.stop() -myVideo.stop() -noLoop() -using a PImage arrayList instead of Capture object arrayList -use different ways to trigger/stop acquisition.

It doesn't make any sense to me... why when I write mySnapshotAL.get(i) do I get the current camera view and not the content of the arrayList which is populated properly (I checked the size) ???

Many thanks!!!

import processing.video.*;
import processing.serial.*;

Capture myVideo;                     // declaring a Capture object
Serial myPort;                       // declaring a  serial port
ArrayList<String> myDataAL;          // declaring an ArrayList of String (serial data)
ArrayList<Capture> mySnapshotAL;     // declaring an ArrayList of Capture objects
String myFileName;
String myDataString;
String myDate;
int startTime;
String myTime;
int i=0;
boolean saving=false;

void setup() {  
  size(1000, 700);
  mySnapshotAL= new ArrayList<Capture>();            // initialising the ArrayList of Capture objets
  myDataAL= new ArrayList<String>();                 // initialising the ArrayList of String
  myVideo = new Capture(this, 320, 240,30);          // initialising the Capture object
  myPort = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[1], 9600); // initialising the port dev/cu.usbmodem1411
  myPort.bufferUntil(10); // char(10) = line feed

void serialEvent(Serial myPort) {   // myPort receives data every ms
    if (i==50){
      myVideo.read(); // only acquire every 50 ms
  myDataString = trim(myPort.readString());
  myDataString=myTime + "," + myDataString;
  if (saving){

void draw() {  
image(myVideo, 600, 40);

void keyPressed(){
        if (!saving) {
        else {
          myDate= nf(hour(),2,1).substring(0,2) + "h" + nf(minute(),2,1).substring(0,2);
          for (int i =0; i<mySnapshotAL.size(); i++){
              myFileName="VideoFiles/Capture" + i + "@" +myDate+ "-" +myDataAL.get(i)+".png";
              if (i==300) break;  // safety, until code is failproof


  • Line 38.... you are storing a reference to camera's PImage. Try this instead: mySnapshotAL.add(myVideo.get());


  • Thanks for suggestion kfrajer but Processing didn't accept it: The function "add()" expects parameters like: "add(Capture)"

    I found a workaround: I save pictures directly every 50 ms and I store data every 1 ms in a Table then I duplicate the missing pictures. Could be better but it serves the purpose...

  • That is because your array is of type Capture. You should define your array as PImage. capture extends PImage and PImage.get() ensures you are working with a copy of the data, not a reference to the data.

    My approach is better than saving the pictures, if you are referring to either save() or saveFrame().


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