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I built a simple android game with processing (you can download it here https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.Sarothlon.MazeGenerator ). It is still a rough game, i know, but i want to implement a lot of cool features with new upgrades. One of these, i hope will be the possibility to compete with friends online. I thought something like these : my friend and i have the game downloaded on our devices; we both have an username and i know his; to compete against him i write his username and send him a request through a web server; he accept my request; we play the same maze and at the end of the game our devices send the results to a server; the server decide who's the winner and let us know.
To realize this feature i was thinking to do it using a second level domine ( this in particular sarothlon.altervista.org/) but i have no idea of how all the comunications should work. I think i should use the Client class of the Network library for the client part of the comunications, isn't it? But i don't know how to connect to a specific web page, how to question or to send data to it and how it should answer. So any suggestion or link from which i could learn something is very important for me. Thank you in advance !!!
P.S. I know something of html and php, so i should understand if you send me html or php code.
Mannaia a eva answer me please
Try checking some links from this search: https://www.google.ca/search?q=web+services+android+hosting+scores&rlz=1C1CHWA_enCA688CA688&oq=web+services+android+hosting+scores&aqs=chrome..69i57.8995j0j8&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
Another link. I don't have any experience with it. You can explore it and see if it could work for you: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/22344824/getting-score-of-user-from-google-play-game-service
I am tagging @akenaton, he might know about resources available to Android.
You should also contact your web provider and ask them if they can host files for you and if you can run php code in the account you created there.