Custom default content for a new sketch

edited April 2017 in Using Processing


Is it possible to make a new sketch contain some code by default? I find myself writing some modes and functions almost every time, like pixelDensity(displayDensity()) and a HSL color function. This would enable me to focus more on art and less on setting up an environment.

I read through preferences.txt and I could not find anything like this. I expected I could choose a file to be the default sketch (just like you can choose the sketchbook location).

Of course, I can work around this by manually copy pasting the code from a file. I am using Processing 3.3


  • edited April 2017

    @felixblade -- see Templates in Processing 3.2+:

    Starting with Processing 3.2, a templates directory has been added to the sketchbook. If you'd like to have a standard set of code that shows up every time you create a new sketch, you can add files there.

    You can have one template per Mode. To set your default template for Java Mode, for instance, create a directory called Java inside the templates directory in your sketchbook. Inside that Java directory, create a file called sketch.pde. Next time you create a new sketch, all files from the Java directory will be copied to your new sketch, and the sketch.pde file will be used to create yoursketchname.pde.

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