How do I texture map something other than an image ?

I have this assignment due tomorrow and I'm the only one using processing. basically we created this star shape, and the instructor wants us to texture map it with a chessboard that we draw. I only figured out how to texture using an image. I have the chessboard, I just need to be able to texture the chessboard I drew into the star. (ignore the translation, we weren't allowed to use translate functions so I did this). TL;DR right now the texture is of an image I have. but how do I make the function chessboard be somehow the texture of the shape I created ?

int tY = 100;
int tX = 100;
int WIDTH = 500;
int HEIGHT = 500;
int BLOCKX = WIDTH / 8;
final int BLOCKY = HEIGHT / 8;

void setup(){

void draw(){
  PImage img = loadImage("chess.png");

  vertex(tX+150,tY    , 250, 100); //1
  vertex(tX+100,tY+100, 200, 200); //2
  vertex(tX    ,tY+100, 100, 200); //3
  vertex(tX+75 ,tY+175, 175, 275); //4
  vertex(tX+50 ,tY+275, 150, 375); //5
  vertex(tX+150,tY+200, 250, 300); //6
  vertex(tX+250,tY+275, 350, 375); //7
  vertex(tX+225,tY+175, 325, 275); //8
  vertex(tX+300,tY+100, 400, 200); //9
  vertex(tX+200,tY+100, 300, 200); //10
  vertex(tX+150,tY    , 250, 100); //11

void keyPressed(){
   if (keyCode == RIGHT)
  tX+= 10;
  if (keyCode == LEFT)
  tX+= -10;
  if (keyCode == UP)
  tY+= -10;
  if (keyCode == DOWN)
  tY+= 10;


void chessboard(){
    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i ++) {
    for (int j = 0; j < 8; j ++) {
       if ((i + j + 1) % 2 == 0) {
        fill(255, 255, 255); 
      } else {
        fill(0, 0, 0); 
      rect(i * BLOCKX, j * BLOCKY, (i + 1) * BLOCKX, (j + 1) * BLOCKY);     



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