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Im sending data from arduino to processing. I have six variables to send. Currently Im doing it through serial and Ive got processing to receive the data, currently it arrvies in processing as 6 lines of data. How can I set it up so I can have 6 variables in processing.
@GoToLoop im struggling to follow how the code is working regarding to how it is taking the received data and separating it into multiple variables in processing.
You should post your most current attempt, both for Arduino's C & Processing's Java.
@GoToLoop The arduino is just printing the 6 variables
Serial.println(D1); Serial.println(D2); Serial.println(D3); Serial.println(D4); Serial.println(D5); Serial.println(D6);
So those variables are six numbers ranging from 0 to 400Then in proccesing, im using some code from a tutorial about reading the serial and thats about as far as i got. ` import processing.serial.*; Serial myPort; float value;
void setup() { myPort = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[0], 9600); }
void draw() { }
void serialEvent(Serial p){ String message = myPort.readStringUntil(13); if(message!=null){ value = float(message); println(value); } } `
Your current code doesn't match any of the tips given at the link I've posted above. :-<
Also read about how to post code in this forum: :-B
@gotoloop well using your code im still at the same problem where all i have is processing spaming out loads of numbers. How do i turn those numbers into six variables in processing.
Have you already changed your Arduino's code in order to follow the model proposed in that link I've posted?
You 1st need to create a transmission model in order to implement a receiving model. L-)
@GoToLoop okay im using your code now for both arduino and processing. Now all I get is a single line of six separate numbers. How can i convert this to six integers.
If you've got an array w/ 6 elements, just declare 6 variables to receive each value from it.
Or better yet, just use the array directly. No need for 6 separate variables. =P~
@GoToLoop thats the bit i dont understand how to do.
That's why you should attempt to do it and post it here so we can have an idea what's going wrong.
@GoToLoop I attempted to arrary it and also made a quick draw so i could tell if it was working, and all I get is 0s when im not sending 0s.
You don't need to define the size of the array in line 2. The size is defined by the return value of readString() function in serialEvent.
This is a modified version of your serial event below.
@kfrajer with your code i get the error "cannot convert from String[] to int" if i keep defining the integer. if i remove the integer it says "serialInArray cannot be resolved to a variable". So where would i define serialInArray and what would I define it as.
Also nice idea with the incorrect number message.
Change line 5:
serialInArray=int(split(myString," "));
Notice I am assuming you are sending all your 6 values from your arduino and they are separted by spaces. This is a guess from my side. It is better if you post your arduino code as well.Check this related to your question: https://processing.org/reference/intconvert_.html
Keep your serialInArray global so it can be accessed by draw and serialEvent.
@kfrajer this is the arduino code Serial.print(duino1.D1); Serial.write('\t'); Serial.print(duino1.D2); Serial.write('\t'); Serial.print(duino1.D3); Serial.write('\t'); Serial.print(duino1.D4); Serial.write('\t'); Serial.print(duino1.D5); Serial.write('\t'); Serial.println(duino1.D6);
this is the processing code at the moment its still getting a error to do with the serial array. "the primitive type int of serialInArray does not have a field length"
You need an array!
int[] serialInArray;
And line 39 should be
@EndlessOyster, your serialEvent() doesn't match the 1 from "Efficient Serial Multi-Value Reading (v1.1)":
This is the 1 you should use as the template for your own: B-)
Obviously, if you insist to assign each indexed value from the tokenized array into separate variables, that needs to be done as 1 by 1 assignments: (:|
I don't have any of the hardware, so you've gotta test it for yourself whether it's working now.
If it isn't yet, post again your most current attempt. Good luck! :-bd
@GoToLoop with your code it goes wrong. when i run it, it starts fine gets the first couple numbers correct, then in the serial on processing it says "Error, disabling serialEvents() For COM4" "Null"
Try the code below. Make sure you get continuous readings before you start parsing your data. If the code below works, then use split to convert your data from tab separated values to an array: https://processing.org/reference/split_.html
@EndlessOyster, haven't you paid attention to my lastest previous request?
The code I've given you was clearly an incomplete sample.
For example, there were no setup() nor draw() there.
In order to pinpoint what's going wrong, you need to post your most current complete attempt! [-(
Does this code works or do you still have an error? it seems fine to me. My preference is to check the vals in line 31 to see if it contains 6 entries, otherwise you will have an error trying to access, for example, a null array.
Still getting a error message
"Error, disabling serialevent() for com3 Null"
I know on the arduino side its sending the the data, because i check the serial there and its sending it fine.
Try this:
Some notes: :-B
.@GoToLoop. its working now but the problem now is that depending when you start the processing. it will show the data as 0s then overlay the actually number on top of the 0.
Oh, you've forgotten to invoke background() or clear() as draw()'s 1st statement: L-)
Another detail: Move your textSize() to setup(). No need to repeat it over & over within draw()! =P~
Brilliant that solved it. Thanks for the help guys, that should be me good!