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I am aware that there are many approcahes to removing something from a string, like
String test = "this one is simple. ("
test = test.replaceAll(" (", "");
Or something along those lines. Now, if I want to create two strings, or integers, from a single byte, with one being the last two bits, and the other one the rest, how could I do it? For example: I have 10100110, and I want to make code to create "101001" and "10", as the output, without using code like "find 10 and split it", since I want to be able to use it for the binary values of a pixel. I hope there is a function for this.
Is it even possible?
. Example:Great! Thanks!
Just to clarify, you are working with two bytes? Or you are receiving a stream of bytes which you are processing in String format, like "10001011"?
If we stcik to this example: https://processing.org/reference/libraries/serial/Serial_readBytes_.html
byte[] inBuffer = new byte[7];
Then I want to create an integer based on the last two bits of inBuffer[0] and the bits in inBuffer[1]. I will do:
0x03 is used to extract the last two bits in the first field. For bit shifting, check:
Check: https://processing.org/reference/leftshift.html
I am reading the 32- bit value of argb values for an image pixel, which I have already separated into single bytes.
If you'we done that it's just val & 3 for the last two bits,
& is bitwise AND ,
0x03 = 3 = 00000011
if you want the first 6 bits use firstsix = val&252 , or val-(val&3);
You may need to bitshift the result by two , >> 2 , depending on what you're using the number for