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Hello, I was trying to install p5.js, but i got an error. The applications's name is p5.js, so windows thinks that it's a .js file. When I try to run, it obviously don't work, as it's like an .js file. When I try to rename it, to p5.js.exe or to p5.exe, and run, it just does not run.
Can someone help me. I mean, show me a way to make it works, or even send me an p5 exe file?
Can you provide the link where you downloaded this file? I am not familiar about p5.js editor. i believe they exist or is under development (referring to the one supported by the Processing foundation). There is one way to run p5.js code. You can download the Processing IDE from https://processing.org/download/
then after you install processing you can install the p5.js mode. Follow these steps.
After you download Processing, unzip the file and search for processing.exe file. There is no need to install the application. You just need to run the file. When the application opens, you have the Processing IDE where you can run Processing (Java) code. Then you go to Tools >> Add Tool and then select the mode tab, select p5.js mode and install it. Close the Window for "installation of modes and libraries" and go back to your Processing IDE window. On the right top corner (Picture below),click on java and switch to P5.js mode. Then copy and paste any sample code from the P5js.org website and hit in the run (play) button. A browser should open and show you the results.
There are also online p5.js editors. Check this post for example: https://forum.processing.org/two/discussion/comment/93228/#Comment_93228
I'm trying to install p5 EDITOR, by http://p5js.org/.