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Hello friends!
A friend is having trouble installing an exported application I created in Processing (3.3) that included the embedded Java on their Mac running Sierra 10.12.3. The app was zipped, uploaded and then downloaded to/from Amazon S3 as well as Dropbox and both failed. I ran md5 on both the source and downloaded app and both matched. The error is:
[app name] is damaged and can't be opened. You should move it to the Trash. Safari downloaded this file today at x:xx PM from www.dropbox.com
I believe this has to do with Mac's Gatekeeper and the fact that I have not added a certificate or signed the app, whereas in the past we could download the app from online, go into System Preferences > Security & Privacy, and under Allow apps downloaded from select Anywhere and all would be well. With Sierra, the Anywhere option is now gone. It is possible to reenable it (see: https://www.tekrevue.com/tip/gatekeeper-macos-sierra/) but that's a lot to ask for anyone.
I could be wrong, but it seems like the only way to achieve the easiest user experience is to join the Apple Developer Program, request and receive a Certificate and sign the app? If that's true, I wasn't able to find tips on how to sign an exported app developed in Processing. Any tips would be appreciated.
It looks like Reinoudvanlaar solved the mystery of how to properly "manually code sign" Processing apps here: