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Hi all, I am trying to draw into a buffer that will be used to blend two images. Basically, using the buffer to erase the top image and reveal the bottom image. I got this to work very easily in Processing, but not in P5. I've read about this being an issue between p5.Image and p5.Renderer, but I am clueless as to how to get it to work. Any help to put me in the right direction is appreciated. I've tried to simplify it here:
var topL, bottomL; //pImages
var pg;
function preload() {
topL = loadImage("assets/topImage.jpg");
bottomL = loadImage("assets/bottomImage.jpg");
function setup() {
createCanvas(750, 750);
pg = createGraphics(750, 750);
function draw() {
image(topL, 0, 0);
image(bottomL, 0, 0);
image(pg, 0, 0);
translate(mouseX, mouseY);
rect(0, 0, 20, 20);
function mouseMoved() {
pg.translate(mouseX, mouseY);
pg.ellipse(0, 0, 20, 20);
I was looking at the reference of mask in the p5js reference website and I didn't find it. This is not the first time it happens to me and I find checking the example section has better implicit documentation than the actual reference site.
Now, I couldn't figure out why you wanted to have a pg object. Also I am not familiar with your call in line 18 (I am also coming from Processing so little experience in JS)
Here are three examples to consider:
In this last one, they use mask. I think when they are referring to mask, it seems they are looking at the blue channel as described in the processing website and shown in that example. I attempted to make it work but not success.
A third approach is using blend(), http://p5js.sketchpad.cc/sp/pad/view/D7rVFoVTf0/latest:
Use two images of the same size and adjust the size of the sketch as well.
Actually, if you search for it within Processing Java's API root page you won't find it either: =P~
Why? B/c it's a method from class PImage: ;)
p5.js' reference just follows that lead as well, but for class p5.Image instead: :>
I've also got an online mask() example btW: O:-)
Thanks for taking a look at this. I've read through your suggestions and think it might be best for me to share the Processing code that works. Hopefully that will show how I am drawing to a buffer that in turn does the masking.
GoToLoop, I've been trying to make your example work for what I am doing, but it's still missing the offscreen buffer, which is crucial. Make sense? or am I missing something?
Why do you need the second buffer? You are referring to the pg object?
Couldn't you just do
What is your thought of having this second buffer? I think GoToLoop's examples fit your case.@GoToLoop Thanks for clarifying. as you see, I haven't explore all the P5js reference as much as the Processing one.
Here's the "look" I am going for: http://vodstrup.com/eraserClean/ I want the "bottom" image to appear in the area being painted (painted black in this example).
I think I've gotten close to what I want using get(), but I keep getting a "Cannot read property 'width' of undefined" error, which may have something to do with the async/defer that @GoToLoop talks about... still testing that.