turn off cursor move in edit mode?

Maybe I'm not describing it correctly and that's why I cannot find any mention of it anywhere, but when I am editing a Processing (3.1) sketch sometimes the cursor will jump. When I click on a variable name it will move the cursor to the top of the code where the variable is first defined.

This has been driving me nuts and I'm not sure how to turn it off.

Please help! Thanks!


  • What OS?

    I have experienced something similar but it is not consistent. I thought it was related to using a wireless mouse.


  • edited April 2017

    So have I, on Windows 8.1 ( @kfrajer You never mentioned your OS). And I thought I was accidentally touching the touchpad of my laptop.

  • I use win 10 + wireless mouse all day long and do not see this in any other situation. I've assumed it is a feature.

  • Never mind my case. I was watching it and today it happen on my browser. So my case is not related to Processing.


  • We have too little data to arrive at any real conclusion, so all we can do is wait.

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