saveString with button

edited April 2017 in Library Questions

Hello everyone, I want to save the text written in textArea,

import g4p_controls.*;

import java.awt.Font;
GTextArea textArea;
String txtMain ="";

Capture cam;
GButton btnSave;

int n = 1;

void setup() {

  textArea = new GTextArea(this, 110, 670, 200, 100, G4P.SCROLLBARS_BOTH | G4P.SCROLLBARS_AUTOHIDE);
  textArea.setFont(new Font("", Font.PLAIN, 20));

    cam = new Capture(this,640,480);

void draw() {
  if (cam.available() == true) {;

public void handleButtonEvents(GButton button, GEvent event) {
  if (button == btnSave) {


in reference there is the procedure:

String words = "apple bear cat dog"; String[] list = split(words, ' ');

saveStrings("nouns.txt", list);

I have difficulty understanding how to add in my code, can you help me by explaining?

Thank you!


  • what is the command to retrieve text from textArea ?


    if so, then:

    String words = textArea.getText(); 
    String[] list = split(words, ' ');
    saveStrings("nouns.txt", list);
  • Now I understood Chrisir, thank you!

    but for not having the divided text with the split?

  • Answer ✓

    but for not having the divided text with the split?

    In your case you might or not need split. Can you provide a sample text that you want to save?

    Looking at the documentation, you will need an array as the argument for the saveString function:

    You could do:

    String[] wordsArray = {textArea.getText()};  
    saveStrings("nouns.txt", wordsArray );


  • alright your example, my text does not need to be divided,

    thank you!

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