Detecting MultiTouch (selecting two controlP5 button at same time)

edited March 2017 in Library Questions

In processing I am using ControlP5 & SMT libraries for my university proejct, I have to develop something like on a touch screen, When I touch button A, Button B will be visible. If I release touch from button A it should hide button B. now I want to select button B without releasing touch from button A

All buttons are built using controlP5. I have used SMT library for multi-touch. I have defined zone for each button and defined touchUp and touchDown methods (SMT methods) for each button, to detect click on each button.

The problem is I cannot enable two button at the same time. (I think SMT is not calling two different touchDown method for different buttons, but not sure)

Please suggest if there is any solution. It will be very helpful if I get the any solution as soon as possible. Thank you in advance.


  • The problem is I cannot enable two button at the same time

    What command are you using to do this?


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