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I am very new in Processing. I am using Processing 3.3. So I found this formula and I want to move the animation by tracking my movements from a Kinect instead of a mouse. I am using the new Kinect on a Mac. I can get information from kinect2 but I can't find a way to connect my movements with the animation. Can pls someone help me?
void setup () {
size (500,500);
void draw() {
translate(width /2, height/2);
// add some vertices
for (float theta = 0; theta <= 2 * PI; theta += 0.01) {
float rad = r(theta,
mouseX / 100.0, // a
mouseY / 100.0, // b
70, // m
1, // n1
2, // n2
2 // n3
float x = rad * cos (theta) * 50;
float y = rad * sin (theta) * 50;
vertex (x, y);
float r(float theta, float a, float b, float m, float n1, float n2, float n3) {
return pow(pow (abs(cos(m * theta / 4.0)/a), n2 ) +
pow (abs(sin(m * theta / 4.0) /b), n3), -1.0 / n1) ;
Please edit your post, select your code and hit ctrl+o to format your code. Make sure there is an empty line above and below your code
thanks. It looks better now :)
How do you want to connect this code with kinetic?
Also, check previous comments related to kinetic here: https://forum.processing.org/two/search?Search=kinetic
Hello, Thanks for your reply. I would like to make this animation to react with a performer's (body) on stage. Instead of using the mouse I would like to use the kinect. I insalled the open kinect library by shimman import org.openkinect.processing.*;
Here is the code I am using:
Check this previous post as it could give you an idea of how to use the depth data: https://forum.processing.org/two/discussion/21412/kinect-projection-masking-array-out-of-bounds-error#latest
This is untested code below. What I do is I grab the depth value right at the center of the depth data (yes, only one pixel) and i used that to replace the effect of mouseX from your code.
Also search for other examples using https://forum.processing.org/two/search?Search=depthMap
Lastly, check Shiffman's videos on Kinetic: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRqwX-V7Uu6ZMlWHdcy8hAGDy6IaoxUKf
Hello, Thank you very much for your help. I really really appreciate that. As you notice I am not that familiar with processing and this might be very easy to do if you are familiar with the code.
I am getting two errors on lines 27 and 28. Probably I need to change to kinect2. However, when I change to kinect2 I 've got another error on line 27 (the function update() does not exist ). when I change kinect.depthMap to kinect2.depthMap it says 'The Sunction'depthMap() does not exist.
I am writing kinect2 because I am using the new kinect. I will check as well the links you send me.
Thank you so much !!!
I will check the provided documentation and any previous post using kinetic2. You are right, lines 27 and 28 should be kinetic2. I copy this from a previous post and they could some bugs.