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hey guys , i have a doubt.
I have attached a a gif . that shows an animation happening over an image(canvas) i made the that image in after effects(adobe) .So I was wondering how it could be done in p5/processing .
So my question is how do I mask out a certain animation/image with a certain shape.
this is the link to the gif .. incase it does not load . https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-0HHUg2tOMWI/WNd0JHjjVqI/AAAAAAAAFco/7ycxlz8ISnAoMVKndOeghPRKPKushAb2wCK4B/s320/grid.gif
It looks like mask only works with image objects: https://p5js.org/examples/image-alpha-mask.html
One option: http://p5js.org/reference/#/p5/blend
Like this:
Then you need to generate the stripes, a set of rectangles over a rotated sketch and using the the DIFFERENCE blend mode.