We are about to switch to a new forum software. Until then we have removed the registration on this forum.
I'm really screwed now. I'm a NOOB.
When I go to https://p5js.org/download and click on complete library, that means nothing to me. For example, I've done that about 35 times. It puts some stuff on my computer but that is all... When I look around at the stuff it puts on my computer, for example in the index.html file there is absolutely nothing. It is blank??
I asked this question before and someone left me this: http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/p5.js/0.5.6/p5.js
That link is greek to me and it is HUGE!
Complete library works for me, downloads a zip file.
The other link you might need to right click and 'save as'
So why not use that thread? Why start another one?
after you download it what exactly do you do? Do you go somewhere and unzip it?
I didn't, I'm on my phone. And i don't use JavaScript.
Did you open the link I left above? That was from the other post I made. Since I'm a NOOB that just confused me more then I already am.
So say you're confused ON THAT THREAD.
Don't start another thread because you don't like / don't understand an answer.
I did say I was confused on that thread.
https://forum.Processing.org/two/discussions/tagged?Tag=#local server