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Hi, when I use the P2D render, if only one dimension is greater than that of the sreen, this is scaled down. If both are greater, then it works.
My display is 1920 * 1080.
If I use size(1000, 1500, P2D), it becomes 1000, 1063.
If I use size(2500, 1500, P2D), it works well. (2500,1500)
Is the right behavior? Or is it a bug?
Thank you
Well, I think it's a bug then :(
This is the code I used:
I will say the test is inconclusive on my side. Mind I'm in linux on a dual screen. I can try on my laptop when I get home. By the wa, what OS and Processing version?
Maybe other people in the community can test it as well.
Same results in windows 10. Even if I use
and it seems the problem is because the sketch is outside the display area of the screen/display. But if both dimensions are greater than the screen size then there is no warning. The warning is:The sketch has been automatically resized to fit the screen resolution
Kf thanks for your tests.
Processing 3.3 in Windows 10 here.