Need programmer to work on a project.


I've build a simple drawing program that has limitations for the user, Now I want it to take it up a notch.

Is their anybody willing to help me with it. I'm doing this for an Art project for my second bachelor in Arts.

Even some guru who can point me in the right direction.

Final thing is theirs a deadline, but it's in a month or two at most.

Tho theirs no money involved.

So straight to the bottom, I need one of those lost soles that offers help for nothing, except maybe a friendship. ;)

Hope somebody hearse my plee!!

Kindest regards,

and pm me if you're intrested.



  • If you had posted the code for what you have already and some idea of what features you want to add, this post, and this whole thread, would be much more helpful.

    Select your code and click the C formatting button to format it properly.

  • I am willing to help or at least point you a direction. Complete details on your project requirement would be helpful. We could keep the pleasantries for a later occasion. :)

  • Hi guys,

    Didn't think I would get a reply.

    Here's the code.

    import processing.pdf.*;
    import java.util.Calendar;
    import java.util.Date;
    boolean recording = false;
    float x,y,px,py;
    float zachter = 0.01;
    float diameter = 30;
    int  weight;
    String pdfname ;
    PGraphicsPDF pdf;
    Date d;
    void setup(){
      frame.setIconImage( getToolkit().getImage("superposition256.png") );
       if (frame != null) {
        d = new Date();
        pdfname =  d + ".pdf";
        pdf = (PGraphicsPDF) createGraphics(width, height, PDF, pdfname);
    void draw() {
      float targetX = mouseX;
    float targetY = mouseY;
      float targerY = mouseY;
      y = y + (targetY - y) * zachter;
      x = x + (targetX - x) * zachter;
      line(x, y , px, py);
    void keyPressed() {
      if (key == 'r') {
        if (recording) {
          println("Recording stopped." + d);
          recording = false;
        } else {
          println("Recording started." + d);
          recording = true;
      } else if (key == 'q') {
        if (recording) {
      String timestamp() {
      Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance();
      return String.format("%1$ty%1$tm%1$td_%1$tH%1$tM%1$tS", now);

    This give me a simple drawing program but given limitations, I would like to increase the limitations and options of drawing. Example let's say I start with what the code does now, than when I push a button or move over an area it activates an new drawing way like a different axel, or shape. And what would be even better is that when you have like 3 or more options, the option acts different on each other.

    I hope it's kinde of clear what I'm trying to say

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