Need Help, cant install the program on my System

edited March 2017 in Using Processing

My Computer is a HP Pavilion running Windows 8.1 with a 64bit architecture operating System. I also instaled the Java runtime environement for the newest Java version and the newest JDK (Java Developer Kit). When i got to the processing website i can download the instalation Zip file, but after so, my system is not able to run the instalation file.



  • edited March 2017 Answer ✓

    you just unpack the zip, there is no real installation afaik

    just unpack it and then start processing.exe or whatever

  • Answer ✓

    After you extract the files and folder inside your zip file, open the extracted folder and look for processing.exe and that should work. No need to do anything extra beside the JRE. If you get any errors, post them below (You shouldn't get any errors btw...).


  • Aaa, now i got it installed, thanks for ya support.

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