Movie will not play in Raspbian Kernel 4.4

edited March 2017 in Raspberry PI

I'm really trying to use movie2serial to play a movie on the LED curtain I have created. This works great with Processing using my Windows 10 machine but I want to do it with a Raspberry PI for better portability.

What I have found is that the movie events never fire. I have gotten this small program to try to just simply play a video and it has the same issue.


Movie myMov; 

void setup() { 
  size(1062, 600);
  myMov = new Movie(this, "C:/Users/finite/Desktop/videos/abstract-rainbow.mp4");;

void draw() { 
  image(myMov, 0, 0, width, height);

void movieEvent(Movie m) {;

void exit(){
  myMov = null;

There are no errors shown but the draw and movieEvent never fire when I run it in debug mode. All I see is a black windows on the screen. I have tried .mp4 and .mov files with the same issue. I chmod 777 on these files and directories just to be sure it wasn't an access issue.

I am using a Raspberry PI 3 running Rasbian Kernel 4.4 with Processing 3.3 for Linux ARMv6hf

Any ideas would be awesome. It has been a while since I messed with Linux and this has me pulling my hair out especially since there are no errors to follow.

Thanks, ~Tim



  • try the transit movie that's included in the samples. does that work?

  • Try also the GL Video library. The main Video library uses an old version of GStreamer, and does not support hardware accelerated video decoding.

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