ControlP5 one thing when pressed and another when released...

edited December 2013 in Library Questions

Hi all & seasons greetings from London. I have a problem with ControlP5 button. I want to be able to send a midi note on message when the button is pressed and a note off when it is released but at the moment all i can do is send a note on when I have pressed it and the note on message is sent when I let go of the button. I am using controlP5 on Processing for android bu the principle is the same... I just press the button with my finger instead of the mouse. So like I say, when I put my finger on the button it only sends the note on message when I let go of the button. Could anyone help me get it so when I PRESS the button, the note on is sent & when I let go of the button the note off message is sent? I am puzzled. Thanks all. Steve.


  • Hi Steve,

    It would be more helpful if you posted your code in here. :)

  • Hi, you can use a callback, see example below:

    import controlP5.*;
    // uses processing 2.1 and controlp5 2.0.4
    ControlP5 cp5;
    void setup() {
      size(800, 400);
      cp5 = new ControlP5(this);
      new CallbackListener() {
        public void controlEvent(CallbackEvent theEvent) {
          switch(theEvent.getAction()) {
            println("send MIDI on press, note on.");
            println("send MIDI on release, note off.");
    void draw() {
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